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Terms And Conditions

By using The New Delphi, you hereby acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions regarding your use of The New Delphi's services and content:


1. Disclaimer of Liability: The New Delphi shall not be held liable for any harm, damage, or injury caused to you or any third party resulting from the use or reliance on its services or content.


2. Nullification of Financial Advice: You understand and agree that any financial advice provided through the content of this app is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional financial guidance. You are aware that it is imperative to seek the counsel of qualified financial advisors before making any financial decisions.


3. Non-Responsibility for Violence and Illegal Actions: The New Delphi disclaims any responsibility for any acts of violence or illegal actions that may be inspired or influenced by its content.


4. Spiritual Experiences: You recognize that any spiritual experiences or manifestations that may occur while using The New Delphi are beyond the control and responsibility of The New Delphi.


5. Release of Claims: By proceeding and using The New Delphi's services or content, you release The New Delphi from any and all claims, liabilities, and demands arising from your use of the app.


These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and The New Delphi and supersede any prior understandings or agreements. If you do not agree with these terms, you should not proceed to use the app.

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